Tuesday 17 November 2009

How It All Began

So, after years of training as a classical dancer, fighting my way through auditions, being asked to all manner of weird and wonderful things whilst in auditions and watching the younger generation coming up behind me ready to push me out of the way i made the decision to found my own company and put forward the type of dance that I love.

In theory you would think this would be a fairly easy thing to do and I suppose to a certain extent it is, you choose a name for the company, have an idea of the dancers you would like and the style of dance you will be predominantly working in and then you try and put it in to practice and that's where the hard part comes in.....

There's a lot of research involved in starting a company, also there aren't that many female choreographers of note, not in regards to the amount of male choreographers that there are currently and trying to find platforms to show the work you've created is not all that easy. There are platforms but I have found that a lot of well established choreographers are given precedence over us new ones which is a bit frustrating. Also funding is a massive issue and is almost non existent in London especially for a company that at present has just started and doesn't fit with the criteria that the Arts Council want.

So basically these are all the dilemma's that I'm facing, well a few of them anyway. On the plus side I have found five great female dancers and we are working on a piece at the moment in a joint choreographic piece with my friend and dancer David Ogle. This piece will be shown in January but more of that in the next post.....


  1. Good luck Holly, I shall look forward to reading your updates!
    Much love Louisa xxx

  2. ooooo so exciting and such a big step! i'm sure it's going to be amazing and jan will bring all manner of good things. Good Luck! look forward to finding out how it all goes nicole x

  3. Holly I love the website design and wish you all the luck and success you deserve. I know you'll be pouring your heart and soul into this...go get em'!!! Hayley.
