Wednesday, 25 November 2009


At my rehearsals last night my dancers pointed out that some of their bio's read a bit strangely. This is my fault as it took me so long to get the photo's in the right pace that I didn't check the wording properly so my apologies. I'm not incompetent just a bit busy at the moment........
I've also realised that although there is all the dancer's information there isn't any about myself or David so I will get that up later.

Again rehearsals went well last night but I have to say that panic is setting in a bit as the 22nd Jan doesn't seem that far away what with Christmas and New year in the way and we have only managed 3.30 minutes and we have another 12.30 minutes to do of the piece. I know we are going to be fine its just that I don't want to compromise on anything and I don't want to rush the last bit as it would ruin everything we have worked so hard on. On the plus side I am really really happy with how its looking and feel that all the dancers are now starting to work really well together and pick up each other's styles and way's of working.

I do find my mind wandering a bit though as im always thinking about the next step and where to go from here and how to get the company known and respected. I am going to enter some more work into the Brighton Fringe Festival and also Edinburgh Fringe Festival and im also looking at platforms abroad. This means though that all I ever think about is choreography at the moment.......I think about it lying in bed, I think about it on the train, I think about it cooking dinner, I even dream about it. It has taken over my mind. Im currently thing about a duet, quite classically based, to Mozart as he is my favourite composer and has been since I was a child. It feels like it should be a very melancholy piece of work, I may start researching some Greek Myths and see if there are any suitably depressing ones!

If anyone has any good Greek Myth suggestions, feel free to email or comment and let me know!

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